Press The Beast

Anomalous Subsurface Environment - Session #3


Kirko - Fighter L1

Nathan (me!) - Ascellus Tirimasu (Fighter L1)

Jesus Milk - Cleric L1

Sahh - Sickly Fighter L1

Zygocact - Wizard L1

For whatever reason, I neglected to ask the names of my boon companions.

We entered the donjon and agreed to explore the second level. On the way to an unexplored junction we evaded some killer robots with a classic gambit--making loud noises to lure them and then running away! While exploring, an odd hologram of a fancy lad appeared and began to tell us some stuff. But his booming voice attracted the killer bots, so we made a run for it.

We found a treasure chest. It was empty and this was stupid.

Next we found a trail of scrap and junk, indicating a monster of some kind. We met some bots who had lost their marbles in fear of this beast. It was a Mega Bot of some kind, a large and perfidious monster that could launch three attacks in approximately ten seconds. I told them that we would put down the beast with relative ease. Then I came up with a genius plot: earlier I had grabbed some bear poop from the entrance, forseeing its application in future devious schemes. We smeared poop through the hallway and set up a rope to trip the monster. It would slide across the poop, and then collapse in a heap due to the rope.

My allies all contributed their fair share. One put the monster's head in a sack, while another daringly went blow for blow. My Wizard ally cast a spell to distract the foe; he wisely imitated the be-suited fancy lad we had seen earlier. And I came alive in the throes of battle. The beast feigned to land a blow upon me, but I ducked and dodged the whirling saws and rending claws as if performing in the ballet. I struck back, and my blows drove it backward. Gold and scrap spilled out of the beast like blood, as each strike disassembled an appendage like a scythe gliding through wheat. I put the beast down with a final stab in the head, and triumphantly twirled my moustache. We are now the saviour of the "killer" robots, who I now consider close personal friends.

We made lots of money and I purchased my new best friend and ally, Lil' Grungler. He is as beautiful as he is brave. I am in love.